Matt Cutts Google

Google SEO and how to deal with the “Notice of Unnatural Links” warning

If you (or an agency working on your behalf) try to boost your PageRank by fiddling with back links then sooner or later you will get blacklisted. Google hates companies that try to manipulate their search engine rankings by buying links or entering into link building schemes that are intended to boost PageRank. Read more

Racks in a Google Data Centre

Google Data Centres

Few people understand the complexity of a Google Data Centre.

Typically, they are massive industrial buildings with miles of server racks, cooling equipment, power equipment and hundreds or thousands of employees.

Take a look at this gallery:

Are your SEOs sleeping in a hammock

Are we paying our SEO to do nothing?

An attendee on one of my recent SEO courses wrote:

I attended yesterday’s course in Southampton, which was really informative. From the information you gave yesterday it has left me wondering one question. We are paying a company to optimise our website. Read more

Site Map

Each SEO Phrase Needs a Page

Here is a good question from one of my SEO training course clients.

Hi, I attended a 1 day Google SEO course in December in Peterborough, after leaving the course I set up a new website with the information learnt and now (6 weeks on) I have found several pages of my website on the first page in the free natural listings! (Thanks a lot!) I have a question with regards to the header text in WordPress is it better to put just a header 1 of the desired keyword or put several different header sizes of the same keyword on the same page?

The answer to this question is simple, Read more

breadcrumb terms

SEO and Breadcrumbs

One of the attendees from my recent Stansted SEO training course asked.

Google now shows breadcrumbs instead of the URL under the title search results on our WordPress website. In this case, is Google still scanning the URL for keywords or is it only scanning the breadcrumb contents?

Google tends to show the breadcrumb when it thinks the parent pages are relevant and that it might be useful to the visitor to understand the structure of the website. Read more