Google Test My Site Results

Speeding Up Your Website With Google – Test My Site

Google recently released Test My Site which is part of their Make the Web Faster initiative which has been running since 2009. This tool will analyse your website and produce a report showing what you need to do to make it faster. It also shows what your estimated visitor loss is due to page speed.

I was eager to try out this new tool and so I ran it on a few sites to see how they compared.  Afterwards I compared the results against the Google Chrome developer tools.

Below are the results.

Test URLLoading TimeEst. Visitor LossChrome Browser
facebook.com5s19% (Good)2.9s
twitter.com8s28% (Fair)2.66s
youtube.com9s29% (Poor)2.83s
microsoft.com11s30% (Poor)1.92s

Summary of Results

You will see that there are some massive variations between the two methods. Consider Microsoft.Com. Google Chrome states that it loads in 1.92 seconds and the Test My Site tool reports that it loads in 11 seconds. There are many reasons why there might be discrepancies, but not that large. I’m going to contact Google to see why this is and I’ll update this post when I get a response.